2017 03 07 rated 5 out of 5 by jama from great product just what i needed wires hidden everything nice and tidy.
Floor trunking for heating pipes.
Trunking also provides a convenient space for insulation sometimes this is integrated in with the pipe boxing itself finally pipe boxing helps safely shield pipes that might be hot to the touch.
This provides extra protection for pipes and leaves installations looking neat and tidy.
We ve worked with an array of contractors architects and chief engineers to produce the exact trunking for their projects.
Base plate available for locating the pipework.
Pipe trunking also refererred to as a pipe cover is a great way to conceal plumbing pipework in a neat and tidy fashion.
Trunking browse our wide range of white trunking to conceal copper plumbing pipes providing a professional finish to your job.
I wish i had brought it a long time ago date published.
Available in a wide range of dimensions including popular 10mm and 15mm sizes to ensure your radiator pipes and others are fully covered up.
Item 1790033 model 1790033.
Low cost plumbing supplies unit 4 blackheath trading estate cakemore road rowley regis west midlands b65 0qn.
Lambro rigiflex 4 in x 96 in aluminum semi rigid flexible duct.
1982 class z2 and a 12mm plywood cover to bs 1203.
Pipe boxing or pipe trunking is used to cover up pipework.
Apple pay accepted in store.
Phone 0121 508 9981 email email protected.
Our systems offer versatility as trunking lids are produced to be interchangeable.
Pendock floor ducting is a two part system comprising a pre formed tray produced from 22 gauge hot dipped galvanised mild steel to bs 2989.
Free next day delivery available.
Buy online collect in hundreds of stores in as little as 1 minute.
Manufactured to the highest specification our trunking systems are created to nut and bolt together saving on installation time and cost.
Trunking for pipes is suitable for both new build and existing homes especially in extensions or refurbishments but particularly ideal for landlords who want to hide unsightly pipework without needing to chase it into the walls.
Trunking cover underfloor duct underfloor pipe duct for 10 15 22 mm pipework duct size 150 mm wide and a depth of 50 mm.